Tourmaline’s colors have many different causes. It’s generally agreed that traces of iron, and possibly titanium, induce green and blue colors. Manganese produces reds and pinks, and possibly yellows. Some pink and yellow tourmalines might owe their hues to color centers caused by radiation, which can be natural or laboratory-induced.
Key Information
Birthstone for October, along with opal.
The eighth wedding anniversary.
Tourmalines come in a wide variety of exciting colors. In fact, tourmaline has one of the widest color ranges of any gem species, occurring in various shades of virtually every hue.
Tourmaline’s colors have many different causes. It’s generally agreed that traces of iron, and possibly titanium, induce green and blue colors. Manganese produces reds and pinks, and possibly yellows. Some pink and yellow elbaites might owe their hues to color centers caused by radiation, which can be natural or laboratory-induced.
Many tourmaline color varieties have inspired their own trade names:
- Rubellite is a name for pink, red, purplish red, orange-red, or brownish red tourmaline, although some in the trade argue that the term shouldn’t apply to pink tourmaline.
- Indicolite is dark violet=blue, blue, or greenish blue tourmaline.
- Paraíba is an intense violet-blue, greenish blue, or blue tourmaline from the state of Paraíba, Brazil.
- Chrome tourmaline is intense green. In spite of its name, it’s colored mostly by vanadium, the same element that colors many Brazilian and African emeralds.
- Parti-colored tourmaline displays more than one color. One of the most common combinations is green and pink, but many others are possible.
Watermelon tourmaline is pink in the center and green around the outside. Crystals of this material are typically cut in slices to display this special arrangement.
Raw Tourmaline
Metaphysical Properties
Tourmaline meaning varies slightly, depending on its color. However, the root of tourmaline meaning for all tourmaline colors is energy. Tourmaline imparts powerful healing energy and powerful protection energy.
- Green tourmaline meaning is based on its ability to provide healing energy for the heart and center of the body. It is also called Verdelite. The green tourmaline color represents life energy, living, thriving and growing. Green tourmaline is the yang to the yin of pink tourmaline. Green tourmaline meaning supports masculine virility, courage, stamina and strength. The vibrations from green tourmaline connect with the Earth to make the heart more receptive to love.
- Black tourmaline meaning is based on its ability to provide protection while energizing the body. It is also called Schorl. Black tourmaline provides psychic protection from negative or harmful energies and entities. Black tourmaline can help protect the body from environmental pollutants and radiation while it neutralizes the negative thoughts or internal conflicts. It transforms these negative energies into positive energies that are then put to good use.
- Pink tourmaline meaning is based in its feminine nature. Pink tourmaline meaning is all about the heart, love and compassion. Pink tourmaline imparts a gentle demeanor, particularly during times of change and growth while taking strides toward enlightenment.
- Blue tourmaline meaning is based in peace and tranquility. Blue tourmaline meaning is connected to calm, clear, honest communication. It is also called Indicolite. Blue tourmaline imparts the courage to communicate from the heart. The ability to live in harmony with others and with the environment is increased by blue tourmaline powers. Improved tolerance for the differences of others, enhanced love of the truth and an increased sense of responsibility are all blue tourmaline benefits.
- Red tourmaline meaning is based in perfection of the heart and higher love. Red tourmaline meaning is about life-force energies, imparting vitality and a zest for life. It is also called Rubellite. Red tourmaline revitalizes romantic relationships, bringing joy and passion to the relationship along with a renewed sense of commitment.